Trick or Treat?
Juro que se ouço o Thriller do Michael Jackson ou a canção dos Ghostbusters mais uma vez na rádio, me mascaro de serial killer.
Happy Halloween.
"Quid Rides? De te fabula narratur." Horácio.
Meryl The Shrink Streep
Jodie Foster à procura do sentido do argumento de Flight Plan
Finalmente, vai terminar o suspense que há meses nos vem corroendo a todos:
estará a Maria bem-vestida pela primeira vez?
1: Nunca mais tomar um medicamento.
2: Nunca dar dinheiro a organizações humanitárias.
3: Matar todas as ervas daninhas.
4: Chorar por África.
5: Ir sempre ver os filmes com o Ralph Fiennes.
6: Visitar o site.
7: Voltar a não acreditar em teorias da conspiração.
Excertos seleccionados em ordem cronológica aproximada
- Anyone looks cool in a limo, even me!
- Stefano, turn right on Mission.
- No, turn left on Bryant.
- It's faster if you take Van Ness.
- Check these neon lights on the ice bucket. How cool is that?
- Not cool at all.
- They change colors! Look!
- Next time we should get the Hummer limo, just for once.
- NEXT time? Thanks.
- I'm not getting on a Hummer.
- Isn't there a hybrid limo?
- Was that the Pope? They've got a bust of the Pope on that table? How sick is that?
- Bushites. I'm not eating here.
- It's an Italian restaurant, see, there's also a picture of Claudia Cardinale's cleavage.
- I'm eating here.
- And Bush is not Catholic, by the way.
- Evangelical, Catholic, Baptist, who cares? They're all Jesus freaks.
- You're also getting married? Oh my God, are we on our way to becoming Desperate Househusbands? Pass the wine.
- I'm not going to that bar. It's totally like a rap video.
- Dude, when you arrive in a limo, you'll get in anywhere.
- Dude, when you arrive in a limo and bribe the security guy, you'll get in anywhere.
- Show me a cute woman in this bar and I'll turn straight.
- Show me a cute guy and I'll turn gay.
- This place is closed. You've brought us to a closed bar!
- Kamikaze? What the hell is in a kamikaze?
- Just drink it.
- They should change this place's name to the "The 1040 Bar" - bring your Income Tax declaration for admission.
- What??? You had your mom at your bachelor's party? You're such a nerd.
- It's ok to drink vodka after gin, it's gin after vodka that kills you.
- Guys, this is Susan. She's in a bachelorette party and they're looking for strippers. Any volunteers?
- How do you do that on the pole? Here, let me try. Do I need the lingerie?
- When a lap dance costs $20, you know it's a classy place.
- Did that chick even have any teeth?
- Man, the girl who lap-danced you is leaving with a guy.
- You just can't trust strippers.
- Do you want evidence that there is no security in this country? Ten guys entering a hotel at 3 a.m. carrying a cooler and Walmart bags and no one cares.
- Did we get Cheetos?
- Was this bed here last night?
- What are we having for breakfast?
- A week at Betty Ford?
- I guess in Portugal that was just another day at the office.