"Quid Rides? De te fabula narratur." Horácio.

sábado, dezembro 11, 2004

Mesa de Cabeceira

The Rules of Attraction

"and it's a story that might bore you but you don't have to listen, she told me, because she always knew it was going to be like that, and it was, she thinks, her first year, or actually weekend, really a Friday, in September, at Camden, and this was three or four years ago, and she got so drunk that she ended up in bed, lost her virginity (late, she was eighteen) in Lorna Slavin's room, because she was a Freshman and had a roommate and Lorna was, she remembered, a Senior or a Junior and usually sometimes at her boyfriend's place off-campus, to who she thought was a Sophomore Ceramics major but who was actually either some guy from NYU, a film student, and up in New Hampshire just for The Dressed To Get Screwed party, or a townie."

Com uma primeira página destas, que começa assim com letra pequena e oralidade por toda a parte e com esta tipa que nem sabe bem com quem perdeu a virgindade, não resisti e comprei o The Rules of Attraction do Bret Easton Ellis, o mesmo do Psicopata Americano. Não me contem o fim que eu não vi o filme.

P.S. Por que é que as capas das edições inglesas são sempre bonitas?