"Quid Rides? De te fabula narratur." Horácio.

domingo, dezembro 19, 2004

40 and still counting...


"'Excuse me,' I interrupted. 'But my parents are still married.'
They all looked up, their smiles fading quickly to deep concern. 'What did you say?' one of them asked.
I cleared my throat, paused dramatically and said, 'My parents aren't divorced.'
There was a long silence and then they all screamed, a mixture of disappointment and disbelief and they threw their heads on the table howling.
'No way!' Raymond said, amazed, alarmed, looking up as if I had just admitted a devastating secret.
Donald was gaping. 'You are kidding, Paul.' He looked horrified and actually backed away as if I were a leper.
Harry was too stunned to speak. "
Brett Easton Ellis, The rules of Attraction

Os meus também. Faz hoje 40 anos que disseram que sim.