"Quid Rides? De te fabula narratur." Horácio.

quinta-feira, novembro 25, 2004

Wunderbar Deutschland V - a Obra

Morte em Veneza

"He sat quite still, quite unseen in his elevated location and looked into himself…Then he raised his head and with both his arms, which were hanging limp over the arms of his chair, he made a slow circling and lifting movement that turned his palms forward, as if to signify an opening and extending of his embrace. It was a gesture of readiness, of welcome, and of relaxed acceptance.(...)
He wanted to work here in the presence of Tadzio, to use the boy’s physical frame as a model for his writing, to let his style follow the lines of that body that seemed to him divine, to carry his beauty into the realm of intellect.”
Thomas Mann, Morte em Veneza